Prayer For World Peace Now

I pray for world peace to be fully realized now, and for this peace to last forever after, and I ask for all of this in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.

The time for world peace is now. Fighting between ourselves must become a thing of the past. We all have to live together on this one, small planet, and despite our differences, we are all the same: we are all human beings.

But how do we achieve this world peace, when people are so used to fighting each other? I think the first and most important thing we can do to achieve world peace now and forever, is to pray and ask our God for it.

Jesus himself said, "Ask and you shall receive", so I believe that if enough people ask for world peace now, we will receive it.

Join this effort, print out this page, put it somewhere very visible, like on your fridge or near your bed, and start praying this prayer every day, until it comes true!